WWYWT? Running at Shelby Farms

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Woodland Park Shelby Farms

Actually I was supposed to post this on Friday. After playing some backyard soccer with my son and daughter, and basketball as the workout during the week, we took a family day to Shelby Farms in Memphis. They have an incredible park for the kids named the Woodland Discovery Park, which is surrounded by bike paths and trails. I saw this as the perfect opportunity to get in a run out of the neighborhood. I only intended to run about a mile, since I was not familiar with the trails, but about 1 mile in I Tekela a Bugs Bunny and took a Cp052429 turn at Albuquerque.

So instead of a 1 mile jog, I ended up running past the Pavillion taking a turn and entering one of the older trails that was off of the new path. Since I was lost, I just kept running and saw some of the coolest parts of the park, that I’m sure I wasn’t really supposed to see considering I ran across a family of deer.

One of the many trails

Yep I ran far enough to actually experience wildlife and a mouth full of a swarm of gnats or some random bugs. I ended up gone for about 35 minutes, but with the change of scenery I kept a great pace and Tekela off about 3.5 miles. My biggest issues when running is still my weight overall and actually my shoes. The CGs are going flat, and it’s about time. My feet actually were sore a little the next day, but overall it was a great run and my goal now is to find various locations and run them throughout the city of Memphis. Maybe I will keep everyone posted and you can join me, beat me, run past me… whatever you do get up, get out and do something.

Stay Motivated


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