Originally posted on Housakicks
The nike jeans Air More Uptempo fizzled like a volcano this year when nike jeans decided to treat the shoe like the Air Force 1 and release so many pointless colorways. It eventually led many folks to develop a disdain towards the sneakers . The Uptempo was a classic shoe of the 90´s that carried a lot of warm memories; after bringing back the original colorways, nike jeans should’ve put the shoe back in the vault. What the brand did was ill advised and the consequences are terrible.I️ think the city inspired models are Nike’s subtle way of repainting the image of the Uptempo but it may be too late. The histogram below will give you a rough estimate of how many pairs were produced. I’ll give you my own brief interpretation of the chart.
This data is only for local Footlocker and Footaction stores ( I did not take into consideration their online stores so be mindful of that). Prior to predicting the number of pairs, I gave my business partner Chris from JmksportStore a call to get a rough estimate of how many pairs Footlocker stores usually get when it comes to limited sneakers; we both agreed on 12 pairs per store. So according to the Footlocker release map, only ten stores in Illinois are going to get the shoes; if each store is only getting 12 pairs, multiply the number allocated by ten to get a rough estimate, hence the 120 pairs you see on the chart above for Illinois. Now that you understand how I came up with the numbers, you can easily interpret the histogram above. So if you add all the number of pairs per location, it comes up to 396 pairs ( locally).
Select DTLR and Ruvilla local stores will be getting the Chi-town Uptempo as well so be sure to contact zip local mall for further details. If only 31 local footlocker stores are getting them, then I’m assuming one fourth of DTLR and Ruvilla stores will be getting them. I’ll let you do the math for those (just remember to multiply the number of stores by 12).
The next histogram is for the ATL edition, which is actually more limited than I thought.
Based on the histogram you can clearly see that approximately 216 pairs of the ATL Uptempos will be available based on my estimate. I may not be totally accurate but one thing is for speckle, the shoes are darn limited.
And their current market value on eBay is another supporting evidence. As a matter of fact I’ll show you a quick screenshot of the current selling price of both models.
Here is my conclusion, the damage is already done. The evidence is right before zip very eyes. Only two pairs of the Chi-town edition have been sold and none of the ATL Uptempo has sold yet on eBay. For a very limited shoe , this isn’t very typical. The verdict is very simple, nike jeans has nike jeans air huarache city on feet. Maybe I’m wrong and the shoes are going to start selling well but the numbers I gathered haven’t lied.