Foot Locker’s Private Label Push Lacks Precision | Op-Ed Gallerie and LCKR Apparel

October 28, 2021

Foot Locker has long dabbled in private label with CSG via Champs and Foot Locker clothing like tees and sweatsuits. In 2018 they launched Be.Spoke at Footaction:

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This month they rolled out two new Private lines from Footaction and Foot Locker: Op-Ed Galllerie and LCKR. I dive into a discussion from the 2018 release and present Foot Locker as a rose bush in need of pruning. Why do I say this? On 10-12-2021 I got an e-mail that Op-Ed was launching. On 10-27-2021 I got an e-mail that Op-Ed was 30% off. To go promotional in such a short amount of time is problematic and indicative of fast fashion issues permeating the clothing industry.

Spread the love.
Op-Ed –


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